1. What is it about photography that you can't get enough of?
Goodness, I hope this isn't just limited to one answer! I love how it's been a way that allows me to come in contact with people I normally wouldn't have and how I've been able to watch it unfold into a mission field right before my eyes. The way I look at it, each client is my opportunity for me to be "Jesus with skin on" to them. I being able to listen to what they have going on in their life while we travel to a location and provide encouragement and offer words of hope and have "clients" turn into "friends". And I love love LOVE knowing that God's allowing me to provide "frozen memories" in time for others that will be treasured and proudly displayed in their home for years to come! And a client told me the other day that she "never saw myself as pretty until I saw my pictures." To me, the feeling of knowing I'm helping others view themselves as God sees them, is priceless.

2. How did you get into photography?
I've always had a love and appreciation for art and photography and after I had my first son, I went flat picture taking crazy! I always desired to have a "real" camera but made due with my clearance 6.0 mega pixel point and shoot from Target! About a year ago, I was blessed with an unexpected check as a 'thank you' for some volunteer work I had done. Since it was a blessing, I desired to put the money to use doing something that would allow me to, in turn, bless others. I really wanted to be a good steward of the money... I just didn't know how! After much prayer (and 6 months!), I finally settled on the idea of being able to finally purchase a "real" camera...something I normally wouldn't have splurged on.. and something I knew would allow me to bless others indefinitely. So through my lovely surprise check, I've been able to give back to non-profit organizations, my church, and other unsuspecting people that God puts in my path.

5. What is your top 5 creative music?
Oddly enough, I LOVE music but can't listen to it while I work! I get too distracted by wanting to sing or dance along!

6. Describe a day in the life of Rachel Austin! When do you find time to be creative?
Ha! Well.. Being a wife and mother is my primary job. I have three little boys... so my days are filled with mud, insects, playing referee between sibling squabbles, folding endless piles of laundry, mud, toy trucks, kissing boo boos, macaroni and cheese, pretending, games, and MUD! (Did I mention mud?!) Needless to say, my creative time normally starts after kids go to bed and I've spent time with my husband. Then most nights I work until the wee hours of the morning. Trying to juggle being a wife/ mom/ photographer has been challenging to me and I'm currently trying to find that healthy balance. I'm hoping once school starts, I'll be able to start going to bed at a decent hour!

7. How does your faith effect your photography?
It has effected it in countless ways. It's the core of who I am and so it's impossible for my faith to not be carried into every aspect of my job. And in a lot of ways, photography has effected my faith. I feel privileged and humbled to be able to worship behind my lens and be able to capture the beauty in people and nature that the Grand Creator and Artist has set out before us! To me, photography is like how music is a form of worship for others.

8. What's the funniest thing that's ever happened on a photo shoot?
A poor girl got chased and nibbled on by a goat! We quickly left that location! :)

10. What's your next photo adventure?
Tomorrow I'm going to be doing a shoot for a Hospice patient and his family in their home. Also, their dog has been his faithful companion day in and day out during his battle with his illness so we're going to be sure to incorporate him into the shoot as well!
11. How can someone contact you for a photo shoot or event? http://www.rachelaustinphotography.com/ or if they don't mind hearing the backgound noise of children (!) they can call (432) 634-0689 :)
I was so excited to hear that Rachel was doing photography...she is such a creative person! I LOVE her work...and just HER! :)
God has chosen an AWESOME vessel to share true beauty with the whole world. She is simply flawless inside & out! I want her hands...and camera! hee hee
Great stuff and the photos are so nice and mingled with the texts. By the way, have you heard of MiNeeds.com? It really simplifies finding affordable photographers. I used it to find them for my wedding. Essentially, after I described what I needed on this site, I received several competitive bids from local photographers. I liked the fact that I didn’t have to call around and negotiate with each, and that they actually came to me.
Austin Photographers & Photography - Get Bids & Save | MiNeeds
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