
What's Next?

Recently I've been thinking about "What's Next?" for Specs & Wings. At first I was a little scared when I wasn't sure, but then I was encouraged by husband and a dear friend that this is really the best place to be because it's wide open. Where can I go from here? Anywhere.

So for now, I'm going to be a little more relaxed about my blogging schedule and I am slowing down on custom orders. I will not be accepting custom orders for the time being, but please know this is so I can cook up the next big project! Thanks for understanding that this little business/blog is ever changing and I'm excited to see what's next!

Last year I knew I was too attached to this place and my little business. It's a been a good season of realizing my identity is in Christ alone and not so tangled up in this. Has anyone else been there? Now that I feel so free and I'm not holding on to S&W so tightly, I'm excited to let Specs & Wings "fly"!

A little hint at the dreams I'm dreaming?... a little more writing, perhaps an e-book and maybe even a class! I'm also wanting to paint again from my own heart and perhaps set up online shop to sell prints and originals. The truth is... it's wide open! And I want to listen to what God wants to do. Here's to letting go and flying free!

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