
Your Painted Story- Vineyard Wedding Toms

I loved working with Caroline (a sweet friend from high school) on these Vintage Vineyard Wedding Toms! She told me that she and her fiance were getting married at a beautiful vineyard and she had ordered the natural color Toms. When I started to come up with the design, I kept thinking how cool these would be with a vintage "love letter" feel and I built everything around that! I'm so thankful that Caroline offered to share her awesome story today... enjoy!

What's the story behind your Toms?

I'm getting married in two weeks and I wanted a pair of toms to wear with my wedding dress that memorialized the day so that I can wear them to remember! 

What's your favorite thing about your Toms?

 It's hard to pick one favorite thing!  I love the scriptures that are on them.  I've always had a strong conviction to honor my husband all the days of my life, whether I knew who he was or not.  So I love that scripture on the shoes.  I love that it has some little pieces of Chad with the crossfit rings and fireman logo.   I guess one of my favorite parts is the word Hope on the back.  I named my dog Hope because I was hoping that she would teach me how to be loved unconditionally.   I always had problems accepting love before her.  Chad agreed to let her come to the wedding and a few weeks later, but a few weeks after he agreed Hope passed away.  A part of me thinks she knew I had learned what she was here to teach me!  I don't think I would have ever been able to relax and let Chad love me, had Hope not taught me how to do that.  I wanted the reminder of her with me as I get married. 

How will you style your Toms?

Well I'm wearing my wedding dress with them!   After that, I'll probably wear them with about everything because I love them so much!  Shorts, dresses, jeans, skirts... everything goes with Toms!

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