
Spring Inspirations!

These colors, textures, patterns and styles have me giddy for Spring!
Don't they make you feel warm like the sunshines's on your shoulders?!?


Pinned by Emily Bird on Pinterest

Lora Jeans Magazine

amy douglas



decor 8

i heart prints and patterns

lovely undergrad




Have a very happy thursday!


More Roomy!

 Yesterday I found out that blogger blogs can truly run out of room! I mean, I know it says you get a certain amount, but in my mind, I just never considered that I would actually use it all! :) I have "added on" to my blog space so I won't have to worry about that again for a while. Yay!

As it turns out I'm still a bit under the weather (bummer) so I'm moving a little more slowly on my custom paintings, art books, and accessories than I had planned. It's good to be getting some rest and I'm thankful for VERY sweet and patient customers. :)

I've started a few new paintings recently that I can't wait to show you, but for now....check the color pallette!

There's my little update!
Hope your day is amazing!


Our New Banner!

We're very excited about our new banner for Farmer's Market!
On Saturday we finally got to hang it across our tables...

What do you think? :) Our sweet friend Kate from Wild Curl Photography has lots of amazing photos from our first day at the market this season! I can't wait to show you!

Happy day!


Happy beautiful Monday morning! How was your weekend? I had a LOVELY time at Farmer's Market and I'm SO thankful for all of your encouraging words on my new stuff and getting to meet some of you in person at the market! A special thanks to all of our opening day shoppers too!

The rest of weekend went super fast as I did LOTS of resting and felt a bit under the weather, but I'm thankful for this monday and for feeling much better. :)

I posted this picture today because I love what it says! I realized one day that dreams are just dreams until you start living them. :) Have you started working towards your dreams?  I'd love to hear about them!

I've got lots of fun and exciting things coming up this week and I can't wait to share them with you! I'm planning to share progress on some new custom items, my favorite new spring inspirations, and photos from our first day at Farmer's Market! I'm SO excited! Thanks for visiting my blog!

happy monday!

(Picture posted on Pinterest by Jamie Zanovec....reposted by Vanessa Christenson)


Farmer's Market Tomorrow!

Don't forget to come see us at the Flying Olive table @ Midland Downtown Farmer's Market tomorrow!!!

We've got SO many great things for you...or just come to chat!
happy friday! :)

A Vintage Love Story....Part 2!

Here's the next set of photos from Alison Holcomb Photography! I love these because she captured us spending time together doing the things we love. I also can't get over the vintage feel, from the screen covered in doilies to the suitcases stacked with old cameras and a handstitched "J (hearts) M" that she made herself! Alison's taste and attention to detail are amazing!

Be sure to check out Alison Hocomb Photography for your next photoshoot! :)

We love all of our photos...thanks Alison!

A Vintage Love Story with Alison Holcomb Photography!....Part 1

A few weeks ago, I told you about our amazing "vintage love story" photoshoot with Alison Holcomb of Alison Holcomb Photography and we are in love with her dreamy photos from our shoot!

We loved opening up the package she gave us with the disk of our images! We put them on the tv and watched...ooo-ing, and ahh-ing over the amazing creations before us. In the package she wrote us a little note mentioning how she felt like we were all worshiping our Lord on this day...we have to agree!  It was an awesome day celebrating together and I look back on it with great memories. :)

I loved each vintage scene full of beautiful details, and vintage wonders...we felt right at home in this style! She couldn't have expressed us and our story better! Every photo she took was so amazing so I had a hard time choosing only a few share with you. I decided to share the photos in parts, so here's part 1.

Check out Alison's blog and website! Book your session today- she's amazing!

Thanks Alison! We had so much fun spending the afternoon with you. :)

I'll post part 2 soon!


Preview of our Photoshoot!

To start our photo shoot with Alison Holcomb, she met us at Starbucks....one of our favorite date places!
She took a few shots here before we left for the vintage style shoot! I thought I'd send you a little preview....

I can't wait to show you more tomorrow!!! :)

happy day!