
A Lesson in Gardening...

My sweet friend Danielle, (who is an awesome gardener!) showed me the ropes at our local garden center recently. I was eager to learn and soak up any advice... although we laughed pretty hard at those plants labeled "Plants of Steel"! I might should have started with those..... oh well!

Here are a few things I learned from her...

- Use miracle grow potting soil for vegetable gardening. It has everything you need and gives your plants a kick start!
- You'll need lots of room for veggie plants to grow roots and expand! At least a 12 inch deep pot and a trellis could accommodate one little tomato or zucchini plant. I had no idea they needed so much room!
- Lots of sun.
- Lots of water.... probably every day at first.
- Not all clearance plants are equal... look for some lively ones that could perk up!
- Lowes will take a plant back that has died. This is really good news for me. :)

If you're new to gardening like me, I hope you'll take these words of wisdom to heart! I'm so thankful that Danielle was willing to teach me and help me along this journey. She's awesome.

Do you have a garden? What are your tips? Share pics of your plants and secrets on Instagram #bebravecreate