
Painting My Story

For the past few years I've been painting custom canvases (and more recently TOMS too!) and I love it. I LOVE telling people's stories and create a one-of-a-kind work of art for them. At some point I noticed that I was no longer painting on my own (outside of orders) ...you know, my story. It was awesome being booked up with custom orders and it was a dream come true to see my business come to life... but there's still more of my dream...the other side...exploring painting on my own, expressing what's on my heart. Plus I want to explore techniques, style and continue to stretch and grow as an artist. Ya know?

I already have a pretty full calendar for the next couple of months, so I've been thinking of blocking out some time to explore the other side of my dream... and I think by doing so, I'll be able to create with more skill and passion than before! So, I'm putting custom orders on hold momentarily and finishing up the ones I have left before taking the rest of the summer to explore painting on my own. :) It's only a couple of months and I'll be back to take custom orders this fall (so be thinking of what you want!) Also, I plan to share the journey right here on my blog so you can come along with me!

A dear friend and mentor shared this quote with me when I was just starting out...

I couldn't agree more! :) Thanks for understanding and encouraging me in this season. As I work through paintings, look for new originals in my etsy shop!

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