
New Music!

 I'm really into new music. Here are a few CD's that I CAN'T WAIT to put on repeat! :)

The Fray has a new single out called "Heartbeat"....get it here!
(I might or might not have been listening to this song non-stop for the past couple of days!)

I heard about this CD because Ben is my sweet friend Paige's cousin! Anyway, I'm loving the sounds and words and all around feel of this new worship album! You can get it here!

Oh you know how much I loved Gungor's last CD so I'm in full anticipation of getting their new project!
It promises to tell a story throughout the album and I can't wait to get into it! You can check it out here!

What are you listening to right now? I've discovered some new songs through Pandora that I'm dreaming of making into a new fall playlist....wanna help? Put your favorite song of the season in the comments!
happy day!