
It's FRIDAY!!!

Woo Hoo! It's Friday and I'm running some errands for the studio :) I love my job.

Also, I was dropping a flyer off at coffee shop and guess what I saw!?! Check this out!
They had fine china tea and coffee cups in the bottom of thier fish tank!!! I love it. This is brilliant! Wish I had more time to take better pics when I was there, but I'll save that for another day. By the way, this place makes my favorite mocha in town!

In other news....I got a classroom this week at the studio! I am SO EXCITED! I can't wait to start teaching! I'm going to teach scrapbooking and faithbooking in a little terra cotta painted room :) I love it! I've been decorating and planning this space out in my mind since I found out about it! Anyone have any ideas for me?! I love to organize, but I'm not super good at it. This has been a crazy week. I'm glad I got to share it with you! More art, creativity and stuff soon :)
*thanks for chatting with me today Jenn!

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