
Modern Thanksgiving Tables!

Can you believe that Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away!?! YAY!

In my excitement, I decided to look for Modern Thanksgiving Table ideas! See anything you love?

I can't get over those white pumpkins! Love it!

Doesn't this look like fun? Outdoors Thanksgiving with a blanket at each chair and pretty paper lanterns...

and a buffet with paper plates and plastic utensils in a vintage suitcase! adorable.

These are simple and glow with perfection!

I really love this! You know my love of vintage book pages, but as placemats?!? Then with a little journal at each place setting...each person could use them as "thankfulness journals" to add to each year!

This is SO pretty and special! i love the writing and personalized linens.

 This is too cool....you can easily add photos to your centerpiece to remember family members or special memories during the holidays!

This desert bar is genius! I love the idea of carmel apples for Thanksgiving desert...mmm!

These vases get instant pizazz from a strip of fabric or paper!

This banner has me giddy! I LOVE IT!

I love that they decorated this shelf or mantle under the TV....you know you'll spend more time around it than the table! haha!

Sunflowers are a perfect centerpiece....love em.

This is SO cute and creative! It's a kids table with tee-pees, turkeys, and branches! TOO CUTE!

This is very simple, but so lovely and dreamy.


Ever eat by candlelight?!? That's pretty!

This is a bit over the top, but I couldn't help myself....WOW!

I'm a sucker for these modern pumpkins in a white tray! Very cool.

I hope this has inspired you to get creative with your Thanksgiving table this year! It's such a fun time to be with family and friends and remember how blessed we are!

happy thursday!

p.s. Today only, get FREE SHIPPING at http://www.specsandwings.etsy.com/! Lots of cute pumkins and more! Go see!

p.p.s. to all you Midlanders.....Flying Olive is making a special appearance this weeked at Farmer's Market! We'll be featuring some new Christmas goodies as well as special gift ideas! We'd love to see y'all!