
Print Experiments!

So you know my recent obsession with print-making? Well, I finally decided to try something new! I thought I'd bring you along for the ride....

This really took me back to my college days. I love that I got to take 2 print-making classes and actually managed to hang on to some of my tools! After some digging, I discovered that I still have a couple of rubber brayers and some ink... (granted, in college I used a piece of glass to roll out the ink, but at home I have a paper plate, so there you go. Ha!)

 I found this cute little "specs" trinket and I decided to use it as a stamp! To get a really cool texture and more even application of ink, I decided to roll it on!

Then I printed it on some paper to make into stationary!


Sometimes I had to use more than one application of ink/stamping, but I love the way they turned out!

Since I liked the way the stationary turned out, I also printed a little journal...

This technique is fun and pretty simple with great results! I'm really glad I tried it... I think I may have to test it out on fabric next!

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