
Just for Fun...

Some days are for dreaming....

Specs & Wings Dream Event Wear

So when I saw this adorable Eva Franco "Frames and Fortune" dress on Modcloth, I imagined it to be the perfect dress for a fun Specs & Wings event! I'm not sure what event, but it's fun to dream right? SO, I'm thinking an art show at the Sugar Cafe in San Francisco, a blogger conference in NY, or the opening of the S&W Studio! ;) While I'm dreaming  big, I decided to make it an outfit using Polyvore! SO fun! 

Are you a dreamer? What a do you dream about? I heard once that you should decide what your wildest dreams are and post them where you can see them every day. It will serve as a visual reminder of what you're working towards and help you reach your goals. What do you think? What would you post?

If I made a "dreams board" I might post a few sketches for painting ideas, cards from artists that I'd like to work with, conferences that I'd like to attend, places I want to go to get inspired...

...and maybe the address of the Sugar Cafe in SF....;)

I can't wait to hear what's on your "dreams list"! Feel free to leave it in the comments or link to a post on your blog! 

happy *dreaming* friday!

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