
Beauty from Ashes

 This was such a special painting to create! I loved the freedom, colors and themes that my sweet friend was wanting me to represent through this imagery. Thanks for this opportunity Katie!

Here it is, along with some details...

I loved using the idea of a bird flying out of an dusty brown birdcage into light, brightness, color, newness, and  freedom! I used vintage book pages behind the cage to represent the old "ashes" of life and our hearts and little bits of it trailing behind the bird to show that she's left it behind! I used bright colored paisleys, fabric, colors, and oil pastels to show the beauty of a life and heart set free by Jesus Christ!  I love that I can relate so much to this painting and that's why it was so amazing to create. It's every Christian's story...the gospel!

Let me know what you think!
happy day!