
Packaging and Supplies Inspiration!

I have been seeing the most amazing inspiration for packaging, supplies, wrapping and all around wonderful paper happiness!!! I guess my excitement over all things paper, glue, stamp, tie, etc... started with "back to school" supplies shopping. It was my favorite! I still find myself wondering the isles this time of year and finding the most lovely supplies. Here are a few things I've been seeing around pinterest/blog land!

Olive Manna

Painterly Passion

Amanda Rae Blog


A Creative Mint Typepad



Oh Hello Friend

A Savvy Photographer

Crafted By Lindy

Givers Log

The Dieline

Martha Stewart


Oh Hello Friend

Calico and Co

Inspire Lovely c/o  Creature Comforts

Mary Kate Mcdevitt

Molly Irwin


Down and Out Chic

Jovelle Houverson

I hope today's inspirations are as fun for you as they are for me! I am super excited to working on a project to design some packaging right now and I'm also excited to announce that I'm having a new logo designed! I can't wait to show y'all everything, but hopefully this awesome eye candy will hold you over until then!

happy tuesday!