
The City is back!

It might be funny, but I really enjoy watching "The City" and the new season has begun! I think part of the reason that I find it so interesting is that it's about a girl who moves to New York to follower her dream of being a fashion designer....how sweet is that?! I love to see people being brave and following their dreams....

The star of the show, Whitney, has released her own fashion clothing line! I just saw these today!How fun would it be for this to be your clothing line? It's awesome.

I have always wanted to be an artist (except when I was really little I wanted to be a librarian...not super practical. haha!) It's a journey, but I want to always follow after the Lord and His dreams for me. He put His art in my heart to do for Him so how can I not keep going?!

What are your dreams? Are you following them? If not...what's stopping you?

1 comment:

Anita said...

I was going to ask you if you had seen the Southern Living for Oct.

They made the cutest pumpkin shaped cakes out of mini bunt cakes. Its basically two cakes flat side together with a stem and leaves made out of those milk made caramel squares. They are cute and im going to see if I can make one, as soon as I find a mini bunt cake pan.