morning! I wanted to share some of the "sweet moments" of the week in raw form..... I was reminded by a friend how special and important it is to take photos to remember the moments God gives you! It's kind of freeing right?..
Okay, so on Monday (pictured above) I had a dream that I was in the Starbucks drive through! I was thinking very carefully through my order and decided to splurge on a while chocolate mocha! I was so sad to awake and find nothing in my hands. I told my sweet Jeremy about my dream, and he so lovingly took me to Starbucks at lunch time! Isn't that sweet!?! (I didn't get what I ordered in my dream though...haha!)

Last night, my awesome friend Danielle taught me to make tortillas! They taste so good! Her grandma taught her and I feel so special to have learned the passed down family recipie!

I have started working on a new fabric book! I'm water coloring on canvas cloth and I'm hoping to add stitching and then bind all of them into a book!

What are some of your "sugar in the raw" moments this week?
Come back later for a real treat! An artist feature with Sarah Stephan Photography!!!
happy wednesday!
I seriously want to see this book! The teaser looks wonderful!!
thank you so much Sarah! I'll keep you posted :) You are so encouraging!
RAW moment of the week: using my sewing machine alone for the first time.
I was so scared I would forget everything my Mom taught me! Oh man, now I rock at threadin' that thing up. I'm looking all over the house for new things to sew! *LOL*
And I forgot to mention that you are ridiculously adorable! I love the green shoes!!
love love loooooooove that last one :)
thanks girls! You've made my heart so warm today!
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