
"You Found Me" in Dallas! {day 1}

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Last weekend, Jeremy and I went to Dallas to celebrate our 6 month anniversary! It was amazing and we had a blast! I won't overload you with all of the pictures at once...but here's day1!
(this was taken on the way...we are SO EXCITED!!!)

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After longs talks, listening and discussing both Fray cds....we finally made it! The venue was awesome! I love outdoor concerts. The walls were covered in ivy and the ceiling had HUGE metal fans and the back was open to grassy lawn....

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We're still waiting for The Fray...so we posed for a quick picture! When suddenly Sarah and Allison appeared beside us! It was SO FUN to see them!
After a long wait....(totally worth it!)
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There are no words...incredible!

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In the end, the stage lit up like the cover of the cd!

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I felt like God kept reminding me that as amazing as this concert was, the things I will remember most from this night were the ways Jeremy and I enjoyed it together. We sang and "rocked out" until we were too tired to move! I will always remember the sweet things Jeremy said and dancing together to "I'll Look After You" just like we did at our wedding reception almost 6 months ago!
We had a blast....pics from day 2 coming soon!
happy wednesday!


Maggie Shirley said...

I am so jealous.

Mike and Cymbre said...

Glad you enjoyed the time together at the concert! I love those types of memories!! I'm excited to see pics of Day 2!

Jules said...

I can't believe it's been 6 months! Congratulations, I am so happy for you both. Wait to celebrate with some great music too, I totally love it! = )